Research | Publications

Research | Publications

Here you will find research results and publications on our most important topics.

Responsible Vanessa Petzold
Last Update 07/01/2024
Completion Time 2 days 6 hours
Mitglieder 10
Research area: Balance | Coordination
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Validity and Reliability of Limits-of-Stability Testing: A Comparison of 2 Postural Stability Evaluation Devices
Kostenlose Vorschau

Keywords: postural control, balance, measurements
An Official Journal of JAT
The full article can be obtained here:

Comparison of Manual Balance and Balance Board Tests in Healthy Adults
Kostenlose Vorschau

Keywords: Biodex balance system; Single leg stance; Timed up and go
An Official Journal of ARM
The full article can be obtained here:

To the MediBalance PRO product page.

All the information about our balance system.