
Screening findings for the assessment of attention potential

The decision as to whether a person has ADD/ADHD has so far been based primarily on questionnaires and behavioral observation. Both methods are highly subjective. In collaboration with Charité Berlin and Mainz University Hospital, MediTECH has developed a new objective measurement method for testing and screening attention performance.

ADD/ADHD stands for attention deficit syndrome with and without hyperactivity. According to medical doctrine, it is a primarily psychologically caused disorder whose main characteristics are problems with attention, impulsiveness and often hyperactivity. ADS/ADHS is listed as a clinical picture under F90 ff. in the International Catalogue of Diseases (ICD-10).

The initial situation:

  • About 4% of all people are considered "fidgety or dreamy".
  • Consequence: Serious attention and performance problems at school and at work
  • Diagnosis so far largely subjective (questionnaires, behavioural observation)
  • Primary treatment: medication (in the meantime always to be combined with further therapeutic measures in accordance with the requirements of the medical professional associations)
  • Levy has increased forty-fold in recent years 

The vision:

  • Creation of an objective measure for the determination of attention performance testing and screening in relation to attention performance.
  • Determinability of training progress using the AD scanner

The three-step assessment:

The screening procedure available with the ADScan consists of three elements:

  1. The ADScan itself: This uses Doppler radar technology to measure the patient's minimal motor restlessness over the entire body.
  2. The Continuance Performance Test (CPT): In this test - carried out in parallel to the first measurement with the ADS scanner - the patient has to react to a specific sequence of symbols by pressing a key; all other symbol sequences do not require a key to be pressed. In this test, attention and impulsiveness are tested above all.
  3. The questionnaire: By means of a well-evaluated and meaningful questionnaire, the data provided by ADScan and CPT are additionally checked and classical diagnostic elements are integrated into the procedure.
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More information about the ADScan can be found in our Info Channel. If you are interested in our ADScan please visit our store.  

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