
Overview, current versions and system requirements

Current version status   System requirements

Overview of our software downloads

Currently we offer the following software for download. Please select below or above in the menu the area from which you want to download software. In the submenus you will find the download links and notes on the respective software. 

Please note that we provide all software downloads as zip-folders. Before installation it is necessary to unzip the downloaded file. Windows 10 supports the unpacking of Zip folders. 

Current version status

Software Version Direct link
ADScanalyzer software 4.1.24
AES - Articulation Evaluation Software 1.1.03 Learning Enhancement software by MediTECH 
AUDECOM backend 1.0.17 Softwaredownloads | Audiofitness - Training for brain and hearing (
AUDECOM frontend 1.0.37 Softwaredownloads | Audiofitness - Training for brain and hearing (
AUTRIS  2_Win10
BASS analysis software 2.0.13 Softwaredownloads | Audiofitness - Training for brain and hearing (

BrainCentral App


Content generator 1.0.7
Dialogue trainer 1.0.09 included in FLIC | MediTECH Electronic GmbH 
Prepare dictations playfully 1.6.02

DLAB Eyetracking software 3.72
Home - Ergoneers FAQ
FLIC DE 1 & 2
2.5.0 FLIC | MediTECH Electronic GmbH
FLIC EN 1 & 2
2.5.0 FLIC | MediTECH Electronic GmbH
HEG-App Body and Mind
2.1.0 (Android)
Body & Mind Smart Biofeedback – Apps at Google Play
HEG-App Body and Mind 2.3.2 (iOS)
Body & Mind Smart Biofeedback in App Store (
Audiofitness app (iOS)
1.6.6 (Android)
Audiofitness app (iOS)
2.8.2 (iOS) 

MediBalance Pro solution 2.0.05 MediBalance Pro-Software | MediTECH Electronic
MediTOOLs (V8) 8.0.19 (Patch)
8.0.11 (full version)
MediTOOLS Software | MediTECH Electronic GmbH
MediTOOLs (V9) 9.1.07 MediTOOLS Software | MediTECH Electronic GmbH
Orthofix software 3.1.00 Learning Enhancement software by MediTECH 
Orthofix special edition for "Leichter Lernen" 3.0.05
Sentence trainer 2.1.08 included in FLIC | MediTECH Electronic GmbH 
TextAPP - text approximator 1.0.c
Training configurator software 1.0.16
Vocabulary trainer 2.1.10 included in FLIC | MediTECH Electronic GmbH 
WPST 3.1.31 Learning Enhancement software by MediTECH 

System requirements

This information is regularly checked and updated. However, due to the fast pace of technical progress, it is unfortunately possible that data may occasionally be out of date.