Biograph Infiniti software
General information on software downloads
Information on software downloads can be found here ...
Biograph Infiniti Software Version 6.9 German (status 07/2023) - password protected
Here you can download the current full version of the Biograph Infiniti Software Version German. Please note that you will need a valid license key for installation. You will need to unzip the downloaded file before installation. Please note that you will need revised channel sets for use with the HEG sensor, these can be obtained by installing the current BF Suites and Modules 6.7..
Biograph Infiniti 6.9 full version German from 07/2023 - password protected

Developer Tools Software (status 07/2023) - password protected
Here you can download the Developer Tools software, which allows editing the screens, channel sets and logs.
Physio module version 6.7.1 V2 for ProComp Infiniti (status 02/2021) - password protected
Here you can download the current Physio module if you use BioGraph Infiniti V 6.6 or higher and the ProComp Infiniti encoder. This module contains the revised channel sets for use with the HEG sensor.
Physio module 6.7.1 V2 for ProComp Infiniti - password protected
Physio module version 6.6 for ProComp 5 (status 07/2019) - password protected
Here you can download the current Physio module if you use BioGraph Infiniti V 6.6 or higher and the ProComp 5 encoder. The downloaded file must be unzipped before installation; this module contains the revised channel sets for use with the HEG sensor.
Neuro module version 6.7.1 V2 for ProComp Infiniti (status 02/2021) - password protected
Here you can download the current Neuro module if you use BioGraph Infiniti V 6.6 or higher and the encoder ProComp Infiniti. This module contains the revised channel sets for use with the HEG sensor.
Neuro module 6.7.1 V2 for ProComp Infiniti - password protected
Neuro module version 6.6 for ProComp 5 (status 07/2019) - password protected
Here you can download the current Neuro module if you use BioGraph Infiniti V 6.6 or higher and the encoder ProComp 5. Before installation it is necessary to unzip the downloaded file. This module contains the revised channel sets for use with the HEG sensor.

Tele-Infiniti Software (Status 02/2023)
Here you can download the latest Tele-Infiniti Sioftware, which you need when using the Tele-Infiniti. Before installation it is necessary to unzip the downloaded file.
Below you will find the software patches for available biofeedback and neurofeedback suites due to the discontinuation of the Adobe Flash Player. Screens with Flash animations will be converted to Avi animations by the patches so that the screens can still be used. Please only install the suite intended for your installed suite, language and encoder. Please note that the files must be unpacked before installation.

Patch for german version of SCP-Suite
Link to Patch for german version of SCP-Suite

Patch for English version of SCP suite:
Link to patch for english version of SCP-Suite
DeStress Solution

Patch for german version of DeStress Solution

Patch for English version of DeStress Solution

Patch do niemieckiej wersji DeStress Solution
Link do poprawki dla polskiej wersji DeStress Solution
360 Suite

Patch for English version of 360 Suite – for ProComp 2 encoder

Patch for English version of 360 Suite – for ProComp 5 encoder
Link to patch for english version of 360 suite - for ProComp 5 encoder

Patch for English version of 360 Suite – for ProComp Infiniti encoder
Link to patch for english version of 360 suite - for ProComp Infiniti encoder

Patch dla polskiej wersji 360 Suite - dla kodera ProComp 2
Link do patcha dla polskiej wersji 360 Suite - dla kodera ProComp 2

Patch dla polskiej wersji 360 Suite - dla kodera ProComp 5
Link do patcha dla polskiej wersji 360 Suite - dla kodera ProComp 5

Patch dla polskiej wersji 360 Suite - dla kodera ProComp Infiniti
Link do patcha dla polskiej wersji 360 Suite - dla kodera ProComp Infiniti
Peak Performance Suite

Patch for English version of Peak Performance Suite
Link to patch for english version of Peak Performance Suite