Research | Publications

Research | Publications

Here you will find research results and publications on our most important topics.

Responsible Vanessa Petzold
Last Update 07/01/2024
Completion Time 2 days 6 hours
Mitglieder 10
Research Area: Learning Enhancement - Children and Youth
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Goodbye private Lessons (English)
Kostenlose Vorschau
Research area: Language acquisition | FLIC
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Flyer und Broschüren
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Kostenlose Vorschau
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Kostka Rostock 2009
Kostenlose Vorschau

Hearing Perception Training (HWT) using an automated test battery to improve cognitive and central hearing processing in adult hearing impaired people

QUBIC Praxis
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Katerji 2005 Low-Level-Funktionen bei Erwachsenen
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Changes in low-level functions in adulthood and their relationship to peripheral auditory perception and various cognitive functions

Research area: Bio- und Neurofeedback
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Managing the Stress Response: The Use of Biofeedback and Neurofeedback with Olympic Athletes
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Keywords: elite athletes, optimal performance, biofeedback, neurofeedback, stress response
An Official Journal of AAPB
The full article here:

Biofeedback an evidence based approach in clinical practice
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Keywords: Biofeedback; Gastrointestinal disorder; Insomnia; Clinical procedure; Education
The full article here:

Research area: ADD/ADHD
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Publikation zum ADScanner
Kostenlose Vorschau

Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 2018, tom 23, numer 3, s. 502-515
DOI: 10.14656/PFP20180302

Summary. This study attempts to examine relations between ADScaner results (hyperactivity and inattention) and symptoms of ADHD of children assessed by their teachers. It was a screening study. Teachers selected children who were hyperactive, then ADHD Questionnaire were conducted with teachers to obtain ADHD symptoms of hyperactive and control children. All children were assessed by ADScanner system. It is a device for evaluating motor activity (Doppler radar) and attention
(Continuous Performance Test). Children assessed as hyperactive by their teachers performed worse in the attention task and had higher level of motor hyperactivity than the control group. In the entire group, overall performance on the ADScanner tasks was low but significant related to ADHD domains evaluated by ADHD Questionnaire. In separated hyperactive and control groups, there were no significant correlations. Teachers assessed students rather accurately. But the objective measures of hyperactivity and inattention are useful in a screening diagnosis of ADHD. Key words: motor hyperactivity, inattention, screening, ADHD

Research area: Tinnitus
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Slow Cortical Potential Neurofeedback in Chronic Tinnitus Therapy: A Case Report
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Keywords: Tinnitus therapy; Slow cortical potential Neurofeedback; quantitative electroencephalography
An Official Journal of PMC
The full article can be obtained here:

Tinnitus therapy with the Warnke method
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from: Tinnitus Forum (2-2008)
by W. Scholtz

Research area: Balance | Coordination
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Links to further research
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New balance capability index as a screening BMC Geriatrics 2023-01
Kostenlose Vorschau

Abstract: Researchers have developed a new method to predict the risk of cognitive decline based on a person's ability to balance.

Visual Feedback and Postural Control in Multiple Sclerosis
Kostenlose Vorschau

Abstract: As people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) manifest heterogeneous demyelinating lesions
that could affect somatosensory or vestibular ways, visual stimulus as feedback could be especially
relevant to achieve postural control. This has clinical importance for the development of preventive
measures and rehabilitation therapies in order to avoid falls and accidents in this group. In our study,
we objectively evaluated the influence of visual feedback on the stabilization of balance in pwMS
versus healthy controls (HC) and its potential utility in clinical evaluation. Static posturography tests
were performed in 99 pwMS and 30 HC. Subjects stood on a force platform with open and closed
eyes. During this procedure, three balance parameters were obtained for both vision conditions:
average sway, average speed, and average speed of sway. Neurostatus-Expanded Disease Disability
Score (EDSS) and Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite (MSFC) were performed in parallel as
well. A two-way mixed repeated measures ANCOVA, controlling for sex and age, was performed
to evaluate the effect of vision, MS diagnosis, and the interaction of both in static posturography
parameters. The difference between both closed and open eyes conditions was calculated for each
parameter and further analyzed according to MS-relevant clinical variables. The magnitude of the
vision effect differed between pwMS and HC as a significant interaction between the vision and the
MS diagnosis in the delineated area (p < 0.001) and average speed of sway (p = 0.001) was seen.
These parameters had a greater increase in pwMS than in HC after closing eyes. For the average
sway, a significant main effect of vision was present (p = 0.047). Additionally, the differences obtained
between open and closed eyes conditions assessed with the delineated area and average speed of sway
were moderately correlated to the assessed clinical tests EDSS (r = 0.405 and r = 0.329, respectively)
and the MSFC (r = −0.385 and r = −0.259, respectively). In our study, pwMS were more dependent
of visual feedback than HC to maintain postural control. This easy and short evaluation by static
posturography could support the development of targeted preventive measures and interventions
in pwMS

To the MediBalance PRO product page.

All the information about our balance system.