MediBalance Pro - product info channel (public)

MediBalance Pro - product info channel (public)

Introductory information for interested parties about the MediBalance PRO system.

Responsible Karolin von Wechmar
Last Update 12/16/2024
Completion Time 14 hours 4 minutes
Mitglieder 14
Informational Material
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S220 - MediBalance Pro - Overview of games (German) [DE]
Kostenlose Vorschau

Brief overview of the training programs available with the MediBalance PRO system (German)

Leitfaden Schwindel (German) [DE]
Kostenlose Vorschau

Introduction to the diagnosis of dizziness using the posturography system (German)

End user flyer (German) [DE]
Kostenlose Vorschau

Flyer for information for end users (issued by the professional user for customer information) - German version

Image Videos
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MediBalance Pro image video 1 (German) [DE]
Kostenlose Vorschau

Being in balance - for the vast majority of people this is a matter of course in everyday life, but many people do not manage this optimally.
The MediBalance Pro system allows you to take an elegant and differentiated look at your stance and stability.

Webinars | Short introduction
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MediBalance DEMO Special question: How can standing still be specifically practiced? (German) [DE]
Kostenlose Vorschau

Short demonstration of the two variants that can be used for targeted training of still holding your balance at a certain point. (German)

MediBalance PRO - Systematic introduction to use and evaluation (German) [DE]
Kostenlose Vorschau

How is the recorded data evaluated? What benefits can you derive from the analysis and training functions of the MediBalance Pro? This and more is revealed in this tutorial (German)

User manuals and more
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User manual (German) [DE]
Kostenlose Vorschau

In diesem Bereich finden Sie die für das MediBalance verfügbaren Anleitungen. Die Anleitungen sind nach Sprachen in unseren Infokanälen aufrufbar.

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Bitte wählen Sie den für Sie passenden direkten Link auf die Anleitungen zu dieser Produktlösung aus.

To the MediBalance PRO product page.

All information about our balance system.