Body & Mind App Info Channel (public)

Body & Mind App Info Channel (public)

The app and sensor for mobile concentration or relaxation training.
When the requirement is met, the user sees a film. He hardly notices the training itself.
This channel is publicly accessible.

Responsible Hilke Wenkel
Last Update 09/25/2024
Completion Time 1 day 23 hours 36 minutes
Mitglieder 66
HEG Training English Deutsch Francais
Body and Mind - HOME TRAINING (Italian Tutorial)

Body and Mind - HOME TRAINING (Italian Tutorial)

This one-hour presentation leaves no question unanswered. The versatile applicability of the Body&Mind app for training in stress, anxiety, concentration or relaxation needs as well as the background to HEG neurofeedback and physiology-based biofeedback are comprehensively explained and conveyed. The original video in English is translated into Italian here.

Materiale e istruzioni in italiano
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Body and Mind - HOME TRAINING (Italian Tutorial)

This one-hour presentation leaves no question unanswered. The versatile applicability of the Body&Mind app for training in stress, anxiety, concentration or relaxation needs as well as the background to HEG neurofeedback and physiology-based biofeedback are comprehensively explained and conveyed. The original video in English is translated into Italian here.

Click here for your new HEG neurofeedback mobile app sensor:

Smart neurofeedback for at home and on the go!

Click here to go directly to your new Biofeedback eVu-TPS sensor:

Professional biofeedback across multiple parameters - easy to understand via app usable every day.