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  • Bio- & Neurofeedback
  • MediTools
  • Orthofix
  • Warnke method
  • Lateral training
  • Hearing Analysis
  • Eyetracking
  • FLIC
  • Basic education adults
[ 8046 ] ZUKOR MediaPlayer
ZUKOR MediaPlayer allows the integration of common video formats, especially MP4 files, as feedback. More than 100 different settings can be used for the feedback. The functionality goes far beyond starting or stopping DVDs or reducing/enlarging the picture signal. Audibly and visually, the running animation can be adjusted in diverse ways, e.g. the firestorms, snowstorms or massive image turbulences. Use ZUKOR MediaPlayer through the diverse integration screens created for Infiniti.
491.60 € 491.6 EUR
[ 8983-DE ] BioGraph Infiniti Upgrade to Version 6.x, German
.The powerful software platform for biofeedback and neurofeedback. The software will be used with suites for the following purposes:
- Present and collect physiological data, conduct simple and sophisticated biofeedback training sessions
- Review recorded data for artifacts and perform statistical analysis and report generation
- Create trend reports based on one or more sessions.
360.50 € 360.5 EUR
[ 6864-SET ] FLIC foreign language learning software English modules 1+2
The FLIC software consists of 5 combined programs and training options:
(1) WWTT - specifically promotes the perception and differentiation of all consonant-vowel combinations of the language to be trained.
(2) Orthofix - spelling and word picture training: The trainee develops a clear inner idea of the structure and composition of the respective word.
(3) Vocabulary trainer: In the extraordinary way that FLIC in combination with the Lateral-Trainer makes it possible to learn vocabulary for life - and not only for the next question
(4) Sentence trainer: The trainee speaks entire sentences with a model voice that can be heard in the opposite ear and develops his pronunciation, but above all his sentence and grammar comprehension.
(5) Dialogue trainer: Here, comprehensive dialogue is used for initially silent and later also very active participation.
FLIC - Foreign Language Acquisition with the Instinct of a Child.

Training scope of the software:
WWTT: 144 training syllables
Orthofix: 9,982 words
Vocabulary trainer: 4,860 words
set trainer: 10 x 40 sets
335.29 € 335.29 EUR
[ 8847 ] SCP-Suite "Slow cortical potentials" [BFE] für BI6.x (English)
The suite is a perfect starting point for users who want to combine evoked potential and slow cortical potential (SCP) measurements with biofeedback and neurofeedback.
It is based on extensive studies under the direction of the University of Tübingen in Germany. There the effects of self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders were investigated.
The researchers believe that "slow cortical potentials are slow event-dependent standing DC shifts of the electroencephalogram. Slow shifts of the cortical potential in the electrical negative direction reflect the depolarization of the large cortical cells and reduce their excitation threshold.
This training aims to regulate the cortical excitation thresholds, which are considered to be prevented in children with attention deficit or with "hyperactivity".
294.12 € 294.12 EUR
[ 8862 ] SEMG Assessment & Training Techniques Suite (BFE)
Physical Therapists and health professionals who want to learn principles and practices of Surface Electromyography (sEMG) for rehabilitation can use this software for assessment and training techniques.

BFE Limited Edition suites require the use of the latest version of BioGraph Infiniti software and Thought Technology Infiniti hardware.

THIS SOFTWARE IS DELIVERED BY DIRECT DOWNLOAD and may take up to 30 minutes depending on your internet connection. Software can be downloaded immediately as you complete your purchase by clicking on the green DOWNLOAD button. Alternately, you can log back into your account at any time during the next 7 days to complete the download. After downloading the software you must run the .exe file to install it on your computer.
166.39 € 166.39000000000001 EUR
[ 8672 ] Sue Wilson Optimizing Performance&HealthSuite(BFE)
This suite is designed for professionals, educators and researchers who want to use biofeedback with athletes, executives and other peak performers. This limited edition suite supports techniques developed by Dr. Vietta “Sue” Wilson throughout her career and her years spent training elite and Olympic athletes. The software suite includes:

Three Specialized Psychophysiological Profile Assessment Protocols - long/full assessment, short assessment and eyes closed/eyes open baseline assessment.
Automated Excel report allows for easy interpretation of assessment data and implementation of the training protocol.
Training screens categorized according to modalities, that are quick to initiate and structured to move from simple tasks to complex training goals.
Suite documents include technical and clinical information provided directly from Dr. Wilson's practice.
Note: ProComp2 encoder edition of suite only contains training screens & short assessment with excel report; there is no long assessment. It also is the only encoder edition of the suite meant to be used for on-court data monitoring.

Languages: software suite and documentation are in English
166.39 € 166.39000000000001 EUR
[ 8596 ] BioGraph INFINITI Dynamap Suite (sEMG) / USB-Stick
The DynaMap suite is designed for peripheral biofeedback. In more than 100 special pre-designed training patterns, the user can record, monitor, replay and evaluate data from sessions with 2- to 10-channel EMG leads.

A key feature is "video recording", which offers a wide range of possible applications:
- Review of special occurrences during a session,
- Visualization of selected situations to clarify motion sequences is possible with this suite.
Dual monitor operation also allows this suite to design and view the client's screen with animations and "training functions" independently from that of the training instructor to avoid distracting the client.
294.12 € 294.12 EUR
[ 8676-DE ] EEG Suite 6.x DE for [P2|P5|PI]
EEG Suite
Standard and user-defined protocols
The EEG Suite offers over 80 display screens for many standard EEG protocols, including an outstanding alpha-theta training screen and a number of template-style screens for training with 3, 6 or 10 user-defined EEG bands. The standard protocols can be used for training alpha amplitude (range), alpha peak frequency, alpha theta, beta amplitude, SMR amplitude, theta beta, theta SMR and wide band inhibit.

The EEG Suite also provides you with advanced tools for assessment and follow-up, including pre and post-training baseline assessment scripts and a 4-activity EEG assessment script for recording baselines with eyes-open, eyes-closed, and during a mental challenge and a listening task.
294.12 € 294.12 EUR
[ 6825-V03 ] WWTT 3.x - Test and Training Software Version multilingual (USB-Stick)
Analysis and training software for perception selectivity / sound differentiation

This article covers the license for ONE language. With the test function of the computer program WWTT, an objective perceptual discriminatory test is possible even at pre-school age. The client hears the six plosive sounds in combination with a vowel (ba, da, ga, ...) in a random order with 10 occurrences each and repeats them as quickly as possible into a microphone. The test leader documents errors via the computer keyboard. Correctness and speed are taken into account in the evaluation.
Already since version 2.0 the abbreviation WWTT as Wedemärker Wahrnehmungs-Trennschärfe-Test rightly carries the addition "and Trainer". The program has an extensive training function, which has been significantly expanded since version 3.1.
82.35 € 82.35000000000001 EUR
[ 9131-PL ] Language activation WTT (Test POLNISH) in AUDIO4LAB AlphaTrainer module
Activation of the perceptual discrimination test as MP3 function in the AUDIO4LAB AlphaTrainer module. The test can thus be performed without a CD directly from the device via the menu control. The activation can be done separately for German, English, French and Polish. This article includes the activation for ONE language of your choice.
42.02 € 42.02 EUR
[ 9131-FR ] Language activation WTT (test FRENCH) in AUDIO4LAB AlphaTrainer module
Activation of the perceptual discrimination test as MP3 function in the AUDIO4LAB AlphaTrainer module. The test can thus be performed without a CD directly from the device via the menu control. The activation can be done separately for German, English, French and Polish. This article includes the activation for ONE language of your choice.
42.02 € 42.02 EUR
[ 9131-EN ] Language activation WTT (test ENGLISH) in AUDIO4LAB AlphaTrainer module
Activation of the perceptual discrimination test as MP3 function in the AUDIO4LAB AlphaTrainer module. The test can thus be performed without a CD directly from the device via the menu control. The activation can be done separately for German, English, French and Polish. This article includes the activation for ONE language of your choice.
42.02 € 42.02 EUR
[ WTT-DE ] WTT-Silver Training Package GERMAN for AlphaTrainer Module for Kids and Adults
In a child with speech problems, similar sounding pairs of consonants are often mixed up: b-p, d-t, f-w, g-k, d-g. Especially here, attention should be paid to the respective sounds or they should be trained specifically and regularly. This WTT syllable training can now be carried out easily and time-saving with the Audio4LAB. Available in 4 languages: German, English, French, Polish. This package offers German.
125.21 € 125.21000000000001 EUR
[ 9131-DE ] Single language license for Phoneme Discrimination Test (PDT) within the AUDIO4LAB-AlphaTrainer module
License for Phoneme Discrimination Test (PDT) as an MP3 function with thie AUDIO4LAB-AlphaTrainer module. The test can be conducted without the original test CD from within the AUDIO4LAB menu. Licenses are available in German, English, French and Polish. This product includes the license for one such language of your choosing (local language by default if available and not otherwise instructed)
42.02 € 42.02 EUR
[ 6820 ] TextApp 1.0 PC program - training for phonematic reading.
Software with which meaningless texts can be generated. The focus of the exercise is on training mechanical reading skills, i.e. both reading technique and reading mechanics. Since the pseudo-texts do not contain any additional semantic information, the child must read letter by letter.
24.37 € 24.37 EUR
Developed by Catriona Steele, Ph.D., the software is based on the latest research from the Swallowing Rehabilitation Research Lab at the renowned Toronto Rehab Institute in Ontario, Canada. Dr. Steele has developed a standardized dysphagia treatment protocol that includes labored swallowing and Mendelsohn maneuvers for patients who have radiologically confirmed pharyngeal residue (i.e., incomplete removal of food or fluids from the pharynx during swallowing) associated with a recent stroke or acquired brain injury. Speech-language pathologists will find that the software allows them to apply the concepts of biofeedback training to dysphagia rehabilitation planning.

The software suite download includes 6 hours of recorded lessons (divided into four lessons). The content presented by Dr. Steele is intended to:
- Help newcomers to sEMG biofeedback understand how this tool has been used to help patients practice specific swallowing exercises in their rehabilitation programs.
- Guide the supervising clinician/technician in the successful implementation of a biofeedback training session (both hardware and software) and in the review and analysis of
Swallowing EMG Signals.
- Present case studies of four different clients, each with different problems, treated using SEMG biofeedback.
249.29 € 249.29 EUR
[ ] Integrated Neurofeedback Suite [BFE]
The goal of this suite is to facilitate neurofeedback training after some form of EEG assessment, like full cap QEEG (NeuroGuide, HBI-Mitsar, SKIL, Loreta, etc.), mini-Qs (TLC assessment, QuickQ, DCN128, etc.), or symptom based assessments such as the Brownback-Mason CNC-1020. A judicious use of user-defined bands allows you to integrate the target EEG data gathered from the assessment into the software and to instantaneously create numerous training protocols tailored to the client. This approach addresses a wide range of conditions and disorders. In the Integrated Neurofeedback Suite most screens use multiple bands from 2 channels, combined in one main bar graph. This, paired with the detailed on-screen instructions, greatly simplifies the work for the clinician and for the client. The training screens clearly display trends in real time during the recording. Also, new review screens make the tracking of progress easier than ever. Finally, the very innovative and unique Protocol Selector screens speed-up review time and helps selecting the next protocol by comparing the one just used to other potential protocols.

BFE Limited Edition suites require the use of the latest version of BioGraph Infiniti software and Thought Technology Infiniti hardware.

THIS SOFTWARE IS DELIVERED BY DIRECT DOWNLOAD and may take up to 30 minutes depending on your internet connection. Software can be downloaded immediately as you complete your purchase by clicking on the green DOWNLOAD button. Alternately, you can log back into your account at any time during the next 7 days to complete the download. After downloading the software you must run the .exe file to install it on your computer.
166.39 € 166.39000000000001 EUR
[ 6806 ] "Prepare dictations in a playful way" learning program (CD German)
Spelling Success at Home AND at School - "Prepare Dictations Playfully" brings the classroom home. In small steps, you prepare your child more and more to become classroom survivor. Classroom noise, adjustable in volume, can be heard in the background of the dictation exercise. The teacher's voice, which can be heard through headphones, wanders noticeably - as it often does in everyday school life. How long the child has to write and how often each partial sentence is repeated can all be set in the program with increasing difficulty. This is how children learn to be successful in everyday school life.

ISBN 978-3-932659-08-9
63.03 € 63.03 EUR
[ 6869-SET ] FLIC software for foreign language learning German modules 1+2
The FLIC software consists of a total of 5 programs and training options combined with each other:
(1) WWTT: Specifically promotes the perception and differentiation of all consonant-vowel combinations of the language to be trained.
(2) Orthofix: Spelling and word picture training: The trainee develops a clear internal idea of the structure of the respective word.
(3) Vocabulary trainer: In the extraordinary way FLIC in combination with the Lateral-Trainer makes it possible to learn vocabulary for life - and not only for the next question.
(4) Sentence trainer: The trainee speaks whole sentences with a model voice heard in the opposite ear and develops his pronunciation, but above all his understanding of sentences and grammar.
(5) Dialogue trainer: Here, extensive dialogue is used for initially silent and later very active speaking along.
FLIC - Foreign Language Acquisition with the Instinct of a Child.

Training scope of the software:
WWTT: 86 training syllables
Orthofix: 18,016 words (expandable by the user!)
Vocabulary trainer: 2,737 words
Sentence trainer: 5 x 40 sentences
Dialog trainer: 54 dialogs
335.29 € 335.29 EUR
[ 8805 ] Resizing software for BioGraph Infiniti
This external program allows you to automatically resize individual or all training and analysis screens of the BioGraph Infiniti program. Furthermore, you can also adjust screen backgrounds individually, for specific screen groups (by directories) or across all screens. The package includes one hour of online training on how to use the program to familiarize you with all facets. You will receive a recording of this training for further use by you.
335.29 € 335.29 EUR

Was ist ein Biofeedback Gerät?

Ein Biofeedback Gerät ist ein innovatives Messsystem, das physiologische Prozesse des Körpers in Echtzeit visualisiert. Es nutzt Sensoren, um Werte wie Herzfrequenz, Atemmuster, Muskelspannung oder Hautleitfähigkeit zu erfassen und dem Nutzer als Rückmeldung bereitzustellen. Dadurch können Anwender lernen, bewussten Einfluss auf ihre körperlichen Reaktionen zu nehmen und diese gezielt zu regulieren.

Einsatzbereiche von Biofeedback Geräten

Biofeedback Geräte werden in vielfältigen Bereichen eingesetzt. Sie sind ein effektives Hilfsmittel im Stressmanagement, bei der Schmerztherapie und in der Rehabilitation. Besonders im sportlichen Training unterstützen sie die Verbesserung der Körperwahrnehmung und Leistungssteigerung. Anwender profitieren von einer nicht-invasiven, medikamentenfreien Methode, um ihre Gesundheit und ihr Wohlbefinden zu fördern.

Unsere Produktvielfalt bei MediTECH

MediTECH bietet eine breite Auswahl an Biofeedback Geräten, die für verschiedene Anwendungen und Bedürfnisse entwickelt wurden. Unser Sortiment umfasst kompakte, mobile Geräte für den Einsatz unterwegs sowie stationäre Modelle für Kliniken und Therapiepraxen. Unsere Geräte zeichnen sich durch präzise Messungen und eine benutzerfreundliche Handhabung aus.

Hochwertige Biofeedback Systeme für jede Anforderung

Unsere Biofeedback Systeme bieten spezifische Funktionen wie die Messung der Herzfrequenzvariabilität (HRV), der Muskelspannung oder des Atemmusters. Ob für die Stressbewältigung, Schmerztherapie oder Leistungsoptimierung – bei MediTECH finden Sie das passende Biofeedback Gerät, das genau auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist.

Neurofeedback: Spezialisierte Biofeedback-Technologie für das Gehirn

Neurofeedback ist eine spezialisierte Form des Biofeedbacks, die sich auf die Gehirnaktivität konzentriert. Mithilfe eines Neurofeedback Geräts können Hirnwellen in Echtzeit gemessen und visualisiert werden. So lernen Anwender, ihre Gehirnfunktionen positiv zu beeinflussen. Neurofeedback wird häufig bei der Behandlung von ADHS, Angststörungen, Depressionen oder Schlafproblemen eingesetzt. Es ist sowohl in der Therapie als auch im Sport- und Leistungsbereich von großem Nutzen.

Anwendungsbereiche von Biofeedback und Neurofeedback

Biofeedback und Neurofeedback Geräte bieten vielseitige Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Sie unterstützen bei der Behandlung von Stress, chronischen Schmerzen, Angstzuständen, Migräne und Bluthochdruck. Auch im sportlichen Bereich und in der Rehabilitation kommen sie zum Einsatz, um die mentale Stärke zu fördern und die Erholung nach Verletzungen zu unterstützen.

Vorteile der Biofeedback und Neurofeedback Geräte von MediTECH

Unsere Geräte überzeugen durch ihre hohe Messgenauigkeit und innovative Technologie. Sie liefern exakte Daten in Echtzeit, die es den Anwendern ermöglichen, ihren Körper und ihre Gehirnaktivität besser zu verstehen und zu steuern. Die intuitive Bedienung unserer Systeme macht sie sowohl für den professionellen Einsatz als auch für den Heimgebrauch geeignet. Umfangreiche Schulungsangebote und ein zuverlässiger Support gewährleisten eine optimale Nutzung der Geräte.

Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ) zu Biofeedback und Neurofeedback Geräten

- Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Biofeedback und Neurofeedback?

Biofeedback misst physiologische Körperfunktionen wie Herzfrequenz, Muskelspannung oder Atmung. Neurofeedback konzentriert sich hingegen auf die Gehirnaktivität. Beide Methoden helfen, unbewusste Prozesse bewusst zu steuern, jedoch liegt beim Neurofeedback der Fokus auf der Optimierung der Gehirnfunktionen.

- Wie lange dauert es, bis Biofeedback oder Neurofeedback wirkt?

Die Wirkung hängt von der Häufigkeit und Intensität der Anwendungen ab. Erste positive Effekte können bereits nach wenigen Sitzungen spürbar sein, während es in anderen Fällen mehrere Wochen dauern kann, bis signifikante Verbesserungen auftreten.

- Sind Biofeedback und Neurofeedback Geräte auch für den Heimgebrauch geeignet?

Ja, viele unserer Geräte sind für den Heimgebrauch konzipiert und einfach zu bedienen. Für komplexere Anwendungen, insbesondere im Neurofeedback, empfehlen wir jedoch eine Schulung oder professionelle Anleitung.

- Welche Ausbildung benötigt man, um ein Neurofeedback Gerät professionell zu nutzen?

Für den professionellen Einsatz ist eine spezielle Ausbildung oder Zertifizierung notwendig. MediTECH bietet entsprechende Schulungen an, um die sichere und effektive Anwendung zu gewährleisten.

- Wo finde ich Unterstützung und Schulungen für die Nutzung der Geräte?

MediTECH bietet umfassenden Support sowie Schulungsprogramme, die sowohl online als auch vor Ort verfügbar sind. Unsere Experten stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Sie bei der optimalen Nutzung der Geräte zu unterstützen. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie beim Kauf eines Systems Zugang zu unserem speziellen Kundenkanal, in dem Sie passendes Schulungs- und Informationsmaterial von uns bereitgestellt bekommen.

Entdecken Sie jetzt unser umfassendes Sortiment an Biofeedback Geräten und finden Sie das passende Modell für Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse!