Learning enhancement | Perception | Warnke method

Learning enhancement | Perception | Warnke method

Information on the topic of learning support and the underlying Warnke procedure. You can also find further information in our channel flyer and brochures.

Last Update 11/10/2023
Completion Time 1 hour 3 minutes
Mitglieder 9
Info material

Difficulty Learning Nonsense Words May Indicate a Child’s High Risk of Dyslexia

Summary: Children at high risk for dyslexia have trouble learning new words after hearing them, a new study reports. Results show those at risk of dyslexia have border difficulties in processing language in the brain, which may account for why reading difficulties occur.

Source: Aalto University

Researchers at Aalto University and the Niilo Mäki Institute have used neuroimaging to pinpoint where the brain activates – or doesn’t activate – among children identified as having a high risk of dyslexia. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has rarely been used to study the reading disorder in children.

Dyslexia / Legasthenie
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Difficulty Learning Nonsense Words May Indicate a Child’s High Risk of Dyslexia

Summary: Children at high risk for dyslexia have trouble learning new words after hearing them, a new study reports. Results show those at risk of dyslexia have border difficulties in processing language in the brain, which may account for why reading difficulties occur.

Source: Aalto University

Researchers at Aalto University and the Niilo Mäki Institute have used neuroimaging to pinpoint where the brain activates – or doesn’t activate – among children identified as having a high risk of dyslexia. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has rarely been used to study the reading disorder in children.