Biofeedback Grundkurs (Aufzeichnung)

Biofeedback Grundkurs (Aufzeichnung)

Recording of biofeedback / neurofeedback: basic course
Non-drug treatment for ADD, migraines, stress and more.

Biofeedback and neurofeedback are finding growing use in numerous professions as supportive, non-drug treatment and training methods.
After an introduction to the background and development of biofeedback, we will give you the opportunity to experience this method in action.

In this course you will systematically learn the most important applications of biofeedback. Step by step, you will develop the technical foundation and its practical application in your everyday professional life. Pain treatment, migraine training and stress analysis are just some of the fields of application presented.
Two to three participants at a time learn together the optimal sensor placement, analysis steps and the training measures based on them. EEG biofeedback as a form of treatment for ADD / ADHD or depression disorders.

The aim of the course is to provide you with the necessary competence as well as practical confidence and experience to work successfully with biofeedback and neurofeedback in the future.

193.28 €
193.28 EUR 193.28 €
193.28 €
Responsible Karolin von Wechmar
Last Update 07/01/2024
Completion Time 11 hours 17 minutes
Mitglieder 27
Biofeedback courses