[ 8717_V2_W ] HEG mobile sensor for elegant neurofeedback using NIRS technology (white)
Effectively promote concentration and mental relaxation - that is the core objective of the HEG-mobile sensor and the associated "Body&Mind app" from MediTECH.
HEG-based neurofeedback is the simple and convincing way of neurofeedback. No preparation actions, directly attaching the sensor and starting the session go hand-in-hand. The sensor can be used for personal performance enhancement and is directly ready for use - for private and professional use. The smartly designed sensor, the size of a matchbox, is attached to the universally adjustable headband on the forehead and is ready for use immediately after being switched on. Start the app, connect the sensor and start your personal concentration training right away!

Body & Mind App
HEG-Neurofeedback als Konzentrationstraining... und - wenn Sie möchten - zusätzlich per TPS-Sensor auch gezieltes Biofeedback ermöglicht Ihnen unsere Body&Mind App.