What is the MediTECH Electronic GmbH?

MediTECH Electronic GmbH is a medical technology company that is constantly working on products and solutions to improve the quality of life of its customers. For this purpose, (further) development and research is carried out in the following areas:

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How fast does your pulse beat, how warm is your index finger, how tense are your shoulder muscles? All this can be measured with the help of biofeedback... 

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How do you "facilitate" concentration? How do you manage to really relax mentally? Neurofeedback enables this and more.

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Balance and coordination

Do you receive frequent visits from patients with standing insecurity or dizziness? The MediBalance Pro elegantly combines analysis and treatment.

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Learning enhancement

Success at school for your children - isn't that what all parents want? Our solutions help your children to acquire skills through play.

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Auditory brain training

Loss of hearing comprehension does not begin in the ear, but in the brain - did you know that? And this is exactly where our hörFit training comes in.

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Audiofitness APP

You want to help your clients to help themselves? The hearing fitness app offers the possibility to support the central hearing function from home.

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Auditory processing analysis

You have the feeling that the world around you is getting quieter? Every day we encounter people with hearing comprehension problems. Our solutions help to analyze and improve this.

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AD(H)D analysis/treatment

Your child is unfocused and inattentive?

With ADScan and neurofeedback you have cleverly combined diagnostics and treatment.

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Eyetracking solutions

Whether in high-performance sports, at universities and research institutes, for market research or in the automotive industry - eye tracking is the perfect complement to our biofeedback.

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Tinnitus treatment

The conventional treatment does not work for your clients? Tinnicur offers the perfect treatment, whether in the practice or at home. 

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Training online and on-site

We offer a wide range of qualifications: Classroom courses, on-site training, virtual live training and course programs via our eLearning portal.

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The combination of device and intuitive BrainCentral app for the tablet is the new generation of testing and training systems from MediTECH:

• Perceptual discrimination test

• Sound discrimination training

• Central-Audiometer

• Lateral-Trainer

...and more!

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2. Congress   

Perception and Neurorehabilitation (German)

06.09.2025 in the Region Hannover!

Mehr Informationen

  • praxisnahe Vorträge von diversen Dozenten
  • interdisziplinärer Austausch 
  • Fragen und Antworten rund um die Themen der Wahrnehmung und der Neurorehabilitation 
  • Teilnahme online und auch vor Ort möglich 
  • Themenstationen
  • und weitere Leckerbissen ...
  • weitere Informationen folgen!

Rückblick auf 2024

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