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Is there a way to use the Warnke method for children / adults with down syndrome?

How can you apply the Warnke method to help children (or adults) with down syndrome?

1 Antworten
Ralph Warnke
Beste Antwort

Thank you for your inquiry. It really depends to a degree on the current stage of development in the respective child with down syndrome.

In an Austrian study it was found that particularly our lateral training and our Brain-Boy training can be quite facilitating in regards to language competence and speech.

The low-level training with the Brain-Boy can start at the age of five, depending on the actual cognitive development level.

The lateral training can be done with 2 year-olds already.


Please find some basic information on this here:


Lateral training:



Brain-Boy training:



The project results from Austria are available in German only, unfortunately. I am attaching the document here for you nevertheless.

I will be more than happy to discuss this further with you in an online meeting to better understand your actual needs and expectations and to provide you with better advice.


Depending on your background and whether this is for home or professional use, there are different sets for training available to you:


Please let me know how we can be of further assistance.
