The Body & Mind App - mobile Biofeedback and Neurofeedback
Thank you for your interest in the Body & Mind complete package.
Do not miss this offer. You can find a detailed description of the solution below.
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HEG-neuro sensor
The more blood is enriched with oxygen, the better we can concentrate.
Determine the "redness" of the blood on the forehead with the HEG sensor. Your client will not be interested in the values. His interest is focused on the videos that he can see undisturbed. He will hardly notice that he has to keep his "redness" above or below a certain threshold value, depending on the task.

TPS sensor
Temperature fluctuations, heart rate variability and skin conductance - these physiological parameters can provide information about relaxation and concentration.
If the client, depending on the task, keeps the values (or even just individual ones) above or below a certain threshold, he is rewarded with undisturbed video enjoyment. The fact that he is training in the process is only noticed in passing.

Exclusive channel for service and contract customers
Temperature fluctuations, heart rate variability and skin conductance - these physiological parameters can provide information about relaxation and concentration.
If the client, depending on the task, keeps the values (or even just individual ones) above or below a certain threshold, he is rewarded with undisturbed video enjoyment. The fact that he is training in the process is only noticed in passing.
Body & Mind App
Download the Body & Mind app for Android or iOS directly to your device from the corresponding store - connect it to the sensors and the training can begin.

App download for
Android devices
With a wireless connection between your mobile device and the HEG-neuro and / or the TPS, your client trains his ability to focus or relax specifically. The achievement of values is rewarded with videos.

App download for
Apple devices
With a wireless connection between your mobile device and the HEG-neuro and / or the TPS, your client trains his ability to focus or relax specifically. The achievement of values is rewarded with videos.
Here you can go directly to the order
Choose whether you want the headband of the HEG to be white or black.Then place the item 'Body & Mind complete package' in the shopping cart.
Click here to go directly to the service and contract customer channel for the Body & Mind complete package
If you have purchased the article Body & Mind complete package, you have unlimited access to the channel 'Body & Mind for service contract customers'.
To access the channel, it is necessary to register on the MediTECH website with the mail address to which the invoice was sent.