Biofeedback service contract customer channel

Biofeedback service contract customer channel

This channel is exclusive for all MediTECH customers with an active biofeedback service contract. Please inform yourself in the area of contracts as well as in our store about the underlying service package of a once again significantly more extensive care and support from us. You will find more than 50 short tutorials / explanatory videos as well as a growing number of publications and therapy models for the optimal implementation of biofeedback and neurofeedback in your practice.

724.71 €
724.71 EUR 649.92 €
649.92 €
Last Update 07/01/2024
Completion Time 2 days 9 hours 59 minutes
Mitglieder 82
16 - Datenexport aus BioGraph Infiniti

16 - Datenexport aus BioGraph Infiniti

Wie exportieren Sie Daten - auch über mehrere Sitzungen hinweg - aus BioGraph Infiniti? Welche Auswertemöglichkeiten stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung?

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16 - Datenexport aus BioGraph Infiniti

Wie exportieren Sie Daten - auch über mehrere Sitzungen hinweg - aus BioGraph Infiniti? Welche Auswertemöglichkeiten stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung?

Tutorials, training videos and other helpful materials for our Biofeedback PLUS service contract customers