AUDECOM - Smart hearing aids comparison [Customer channel]

AUDECOM - Smart hearing aids comparison [Customer channel]

This channel is exclusively for customers | users of the AUDEOM hearing aid presentation system

Course Unavailable
Responsible Marc Sandvoß
Last Update 07/01/2024
Completion Time 7 hours 37 minutes
Mitglieder 2

Download Audecom Frontend 1.0.37

Hier finden Sie den Link zum Download der aktuellen Audecom Frontend-Software in der Version 1.0.37.

Benutzername: Aude12987com
Kennwort: Aude357Com_fe

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Software Download - Frontend - AUDECOM
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Download Audecom Frontend 1.0.37

Hier finden Sie den Link zum Download der aktuellen Audecom Frontend-Software in der Version 1.0.37.

Benutzername: Aude12987com
Kennwort: Aude357Com_fe

Frontend - Darstellung Beispielhaft
"Out of the Box" - Experience (English)
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Out of the Box - AUDECOM (English) [EN]
Kostenlose Vorschau

How to unpack the AUDECOM System.
A closer and detailed look at the packaging process - getting you started with your new AUDECOM solution.

Out of the Box - the AUDECOM Flightcase solution [EN]
Kostenlose Vorschau

AUDECOM in a secure flight case - whether for on-site presentations, health fairs or other events. Here you can get an impression of the flight case and the quick commissioning directly in the perfectly prepared flight case.

Important application aids
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AUDECOM Hörgeräteprogrammierung

Wie werden Hörgeräte optimal für das AUDECOM eingerichtet / vorbereitet?

S183 - Notes on hearing aid settings GERMAN [DE]
S183 - Notes on hearing aid settings ENGLISH [EN]
Graphics | Images
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AUDECOM with tablet
Audecom on pillar
Flight case with handle