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  • Set (Books+CD's)
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  • Books
[ L1145 ] Therapieprogramm für Kinder mit hyperkin.... THOP (German)
They cannot sit still, are unfocused, dreamy and often unpopular with other children. Children with ADHD represent the largest group of children undergoing psychotherapeutic treatment. THOP has proven itself here. Why is THOP so successful? - THOP leads to a differentiated diagnosis, which identifies problem areas, but also reveals the strengths of the child and the family.
65.33 € 65.33 EUR
[ 2043 ] Positiv lernen (Jansen - Streit)
Learning disabilities, dyslexia and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder are an enormous burden for the children concerned and all those who work with them. However, Fritz Jansen and Uta Streit show what can be done about it: In their "IntraActPlus" concept, which they have been using successfully for years, they make use of the findings of learning psychology at school, during homework and in their leisure time.
30.79 € 30.79 EUR
[ 2042 ] AlphaPlus Book, Rüsseler, Boltzmann
The "AlphaPlus" training program offers a new approach to promoting adults' literacy skills. A total of seven modules can be used individually or as a basic education program. The literacy materials were developed on the basis of neuroscientific findings as part of the "AlphaPlus" project funded by the BMBF. "AlphaPlus" refers to everyday working life and can also be used for people with native languages other than German. The guide informs course instructors about working with "AlphaPlus": It introduces the topic of functional illiteracy, describes in detail the program modules available online, and reports on initial practical experiences.

ISBN: 978-3-7639-5680-1
27.94 € 27.94 EUR
[ 2132 ] The Warnke Method - From Practitioners for Practitioners (Volume 2): Effective language promotion + treatment of speech disorders
The Warnke Method - by practitioners for practitioners
Guide "Effective language support and treatment of speech disorders".

Volume II:
Effective language support and treatment of language disorders

As a follow-up to the first volume "The Warnke Method - Practical Integration into Daily Work with Children, Adolescents and Adults", this volume focuses on "The Warnke Method in Speech and Language Therapy".

For years, speech therapists have been incorporating elements of the Warnke Method into their practice(s) - but what does this incorporation look like in concrete terms?

Six experienced participants of the interdisciplinary cooperation partner network of MediTECH Electronic GmbH will talk about their daily work. In addition to four speech therapists, a physician and an occupational therapist also have their say and report on their interdisciplinary procedures and experiences.
Using real case studies, they demonstrate their approach to training typical disorder patterns from speech therapy and speech therapy. The work with mainly children from the age of four, school children up to adults is considered.

ISBN: 978-3-9326-59-55-3
14.02 € 14.02 EUR
[ 2235 ] Was Hänschen nicht hört ... (5th edition German)
Basic work by Fred Warnke: "What Hanschen does not learn, ...". In his parenting guide, Fred Warnke describes the essential background and possibilities of the Warnke procedure, the associated test procedure and gives concrete advice on lateral training, the core of the Warnke procedure he developed.
19.44 € 19.44 EUR
[ 2260C ] Der Takt des Gehirns ... (3rd edition - German)
The beat of the brain ... (3rd edition)
Our brain does not work steadily, but in a certain clock sequence with interruptions. Therefore, we can only take in and process new or changed sensory stimuli every 20 to 40 milliseconds. If this brain cycle is accelerated, our comprehension and learning abilities increase; if it is slowed down, these skills suffer. Reading and spelling difficulties or declining brain functions in old age are related to this.

The author, who is experienced in the field of psychoacoustics and psycholinguistics, describes in a generally understandable way the current state of knowledge about the basic skills of our brain, which are still far removed from language. He presents practical tools for testing brain functions and offers the measurement of so-called low-level functions on the enclosed CD-ROM. A training method developed by the author serves to accelerate these basic brain skills. It is intended not only to halt age-related decline, but even to reverse it.

ISBN: 3-525-46236-7
21.00 € 21.0 EUR
[ 2277 ] Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie (German)
The textbook offers a structured introduction to phoniatrics and pedaudiology. In basic chapters, the normal function of the vocal and speech apparatus is explained; based on this, the corresponding disorders are presented. In addition to the medical aspects, the psychological and linguistic aspects of voice and speech are considered in detail.
37.34 € 37.34 EUR
[ 2294 ] M.O.R.E.
M.O.R.E. means: Motor, Oral, Respiration, Eyes (Motor, Mouth, Breathing and Eyes), and is the acronym of a model designed to help therapists assess the effect of treatments that improve oral, respiratory, sensory and postural functions.
The book was written by a group of occupational therapists who are among the most qualified and experienced in the United States. They examine the apparently independent systems of motor, mouth, respiration and eyes and show that there is an exchange and interdependence between these systems. They expand this thesis by introducing the concept of SSA (suck-swallow-breath synchronism) as a synergy.
According to Patricia Wilbarger (FAOTA), this concept represents a breakthrough in the development of clinical theories of behavioral processes at the neurophysiological level.
This book allows us to see certain sensory and motor systems from a completely different perspective. This makes it possible to understand many unusual behaviors with which the individual attempts to organize or "heal" himself. In many cases, the duration of treatment can be shortened, made more efficient and effective.
interested parties: Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, speech therapists, doctors, psychologists and members of other health care professions.
21.03 € 21.03 EUR
[ 2311 ] Biofeedback in der Praxis, Band 1, Pirker-Binder (German)
Biofeedback shows how stress, anxiety or joy change heart rate, breathing, muscle tension or finger temperature. For the first time - how biofeedback can help children: Stress management in kindergarten or school, trauma, ADHD, ADD....

ISBN: 3-211-29190-3
46.72 € 46.72 EUR
[ 2312 ] Biofeedback in der Praxis, Band 2, Pirker-Binder (German)
An experienced biofeedback specialist shows here how biofeedback strengthens self-awareness and thus contributes to maintaining performance and protecting one's own resources: in sports, with high blood pressure, muscle tension, panic or migraine...

ISBN: 978-3-211-29191-7
46.72 € 46.72 EUR
[ 2325 ] Jabberwocky-Book
The importance of reading letter by letter has been proven by Dr. Daniel Zahnd at the University of Bern in studies lasting several years. This special reading material was developed from the findings there. It corresponds without restriction to German grammar and word structure; the meaningless texts "force" the reader to adopt a reading strategy that is oriented towards letters and not pictures of words - a high-quality training material for young and old.
10.19 € 10.19 EUR
[ 2333 ] "Psychomotorische Ganzheitstherapie" Psychomotor holistic therapy (German)
Die Psychomotorische Ganzheitstherapie verbindet mehrere Therapiekonzepte in der Förderung behinderter Kinder zu einem individuellen, ganzheitlichen Therapieprogramm für jedes Kind. Die Therapie zerfällt somit nicht in Einzelelemente (Physiotherapie, Logopädie, Ergotherapie etc.), sondern ist interdisziplinär. Lücken oder Überschneidungen in der Therapie werden auf diese Weise vermieden.
16.73 € 16.73 EUR
[ 2392-DE ] Gi-em-Aus-Textbook (German)
Synchronous reading - training with pseudo-texts
(booklet accompanying the CD)
9.63 € 9.63 EUR
[ L1108 ] "Flügel und Wurzeln", Beigel (German Book)
"Wings and Roots" was written out of the desire to awaken the reader's understanding of children with partial performance and behavioral problems and to show ways to understand the background of such disorders and to compensate for their effects at an early stage. The author gives an overview of the human sensory systems and addresses persistent residual reactions of early childhood reflexes. ...
19.07 € 19.07 EUR
[ L1121 ] Third Edition - Biofeedback - Schwartz, Mark S. / Andrasik, Frank
The comprehensive text in this field provides comprehensive scientific insights into biofeedback research, applications, clinical procedures and biomedical instruments. With contributions from leading experts, the volume offers a unique combination of practical know-how and scientific expertise. A wealth of information is presented in an accessible, optimized style that includes helpful glossaries. Detailed protocols are presented to support patients who promote lower physiological excitement and treat a range of specific clinical problems: Headaches, TMJ disorders, Raynaud's disease, essential hypertension, neuromuscular problems, elimination disorders and more.
92.52 € 92.52 EUR
[ L1122 ] Kann Bildung schaden? - Roggendorf, Gisela
Gisela Roggendorf, born 1939 in Salzburg. The dogmas of religion, education on the one hand and private convictions on the other seemed as different to her as delusion and reality. So she decided at the age of 14 to become a psychiatrist. School and medical studies, however, proved to be of little help to her cause. After 11 years of working as a psychiatrist, she dedicated herself to the education of her 3 children and her lifelong main interest, human thinking: how it works, how it is formed and how it is disturbed. Inspired by the difficulties of her children and grandchildren, she recognized the need to deal with the problem of school in depth
18.23 € 18.23 EUR
[ L1127 ] Das Drama des modernen Kindes, Wolfgang Bergmann
Wolfgang Bergmann draws the psychogram of a generation that has been shaped to a great extent by the contemporary media world with its images. He takes a clear and unsparing look behind the scenes of today's childhood and identifies the causes of the increasing difficulties in which our children find themselves.

ISBN: 3-530-40154-4
16.82 € 16.82 EUR
[ L1139 ] Pädagogisches Grundwissen, Herbert Gudjons
Educational science has expanded extraordinarily in recent decades. An overview of subject areas and findings is therefore particularly necessary for the beginning of studies and before examinations. In 12 chapters this proven textbook imparts current basic knowledge in: Structure of educational science, directions, research methods, history of pedagogy, childhood and adolescence, socialisation, education and training, learning, didactics, education, extracurricular fields of work, current challenges. Written in easy-to-understand language, Pädagogisches Grundwissen also contains numerous graphics. Selected reading and work suggestions encourage further study.
18.23 € 18.23 EUR
[ L1163 ] Kinder optimal fördern - mit Musik
Professor Hans Günther Bastian, head of the research project, summarises in this paperback the important results of the 700-page scientific study on music (education) and its effects and offers convincing arguments for the demand for a central place for music education in general education.
7.47 € 7.47 EUR
[ 2056 ] (Book) Flexi-Trainingsprogramm, W. Scholtz (German)
Flexi Program by Winfried Scholtz: Sensorimotor training program for home training for children to integrate persistent early childhood reflexes. Thanks to informative illustrations, the individual exercises can be learned quickly and convincingly and can be implemented as training at home. The following special conditions apply for quantity purchases: 10 booklets: 25%, 20 booklets: 30%, 50 booklets: 40%.

ISBN 978-932659-23-3
9.25 € 9.25 EUR